Sharing some thoughts & experiences on the #SunyaniKonnect #KonnectKouch
The Konnect Kouch is a version of hot seat in Konnect Groups for its members. These Konnect Groups are WhatsApp Groups run by or in conjuncation with the GhanaThink Foundation . We have had Konnect members to volunteer as a Kouchee to be on the Konnect Kouch , on Saturdays & Sundays starting from 2:33pm . This is basically a personality interview. We at GhanaThink moved this #KonnectKouch into some of the Konnect meetups (3 hour networking events mostly in the weekend evenings) and also to Barcamps (free networking forums on Saturdays). A couple of Saturdays ago, I was on the Konnect Kouch for Sunyani Konnect thanks to the proactiveness of Wilhemina Nunu. Exciting. Are you excited to read about what transpired? I love Sunyani a lot. I have spoken severally about how I want Sunyani to become the capital of Ghana, if we change it from Accra. More on this in another blog post. My favorite restaurant is Greenleaf Eatery. Their food is mwah! Wilhelmina Nunu : The floor