Attending the Agape House Church in Ghana #agapehouse
I went to church today. I don't go any given Sunday by the way. My cousin, Efibah, was telling me, "I pass through your neighbourhood to go to church all the time, and I know you don't go to (any) church". So, she passed by again and I tagged along with her. To Agape House New Testament Church. 10:30am? No problemo. Even if I slept at 4am after a partycrewgh outing, I could make that. I need to renew my faith anyway. Let's just say that once I entered the church and looked around, it only took me 2.33 seconds to decide I'd be blogging about being at #AgapeHouse. So here goes.
I spent all the blog write up time tweeting. So I'm going to let the tweets speak for themselves.
I spent all the blog write up time tweeting. So I'm going to let the tweets speak for themselves.
Am at the Agape House in East Legon for church today. My cousin brought me here. Lovely church on all levels.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
The Agape House pastor is white. I was surprised but I shouldn't be. The Christ the King priest is white 2. Hope he doesn't slang too much.This pastor is more audible though. He didn't slang too much. He came to say hi after the service and introduced his PA to me. Figure I am gonna get some calls. I no bore. I'd love some sweet melodious voices though on the other end of the line :-)
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Just got welcomed to Agape House as it's my first time here. I see some familiar faces. I'll likely be back. A song was played for us.Short of the song saying Akwaaba and Woezor, it was on point.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
The white pastor Richard Whitcomb is wearing a nice African shirt. I love this. The congregation members have dressed UP. Excellent.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
So many church stuff are wearing tshirts. I know it's not really church attire but since I'm barcamped out, I love seeing the tshirts. :-)I was at an evening mass at Christ the King a few weeks ago and I was shocked by the number of folks dressed casually. I believe in bringing your best attire to God's house. Times have changed, tradition is being affected but I keep my best attires for being in the house of my Maker and Shaper.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Heartsong at Agape House is performing what was one-time favorite English song: 'Lean On Me' by Kirk Franklin. Heavenly. Coincidental.I absolutely used to love this song when I was more religious. I should work it up the favorite list again. I have plenty Kirk Franklin albums. Thanks to Phelele Fakudze.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
The message for today from Agape House church is 'Multiply, the power of a team'. Sermon being delivered by Rev Richard Whitcomb in Accra.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Rev Whitcomb talking about the heroic story of the 33 miners in Chile and the teamwork that helped save them. They worked together.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
1. Discover God's call to multiply. Be fruitful. Fill the earth and govern it. In every area of your life. #agapehouse
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
2. Discover the power of teamwork. That is the first step to multiplication. You can't multiply or reproduce without others. #agapehouse
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Teamwork multiplies strength. I love this message. We can't talk enough about teamwork in #Ghana. We're too divisive here. #agapehouseA better sermon message could not have been picked. I'd blog later about Ghanaian Christianity and (charismatic) churches. We need more teamwork in this country. Let's build institutions. Someone loved a particular part of this message though.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
#agapehouse seems to be a church for young people. Indicative of charismatic churches in #Ghana? Older folks go to orthodox churches?Reminds me of the churches I used to go to in the US. Full of young people. I am a Catholic, will likely always be. But I sure do love being around youth. Horizontal inspiration.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Teamwork multiples achievement. You are able to achieve more with more resources. Read Nehemiah 2:18 & 4:6 & 6:15. #agapehouse
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Teamwork multiplies God's blessings. Live and work together in unity. Read Eccl 4:12 & Psalm 133 & John 17:20-24. #agapehouse
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
3. Discover the power of my team. Each part n team contributes. Identify n connect with that team. #agapehouseGreat point here. We have to join the right teams. It makes multiplication much easier. We all work for the greater good. The whole is greater than the sum of its parts. We are part of this. Plugging in that video I really love right now.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
The Bible is so versatile. Various congregations at #agapehouse are inviting team members n using scripture to differentiate themselves.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Congregation members are on stage speaking French, inviting members. Whoever speaks a Ghanaian language will win me over. #agapehouse
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Eish... some lady just spoke Spanish. Someone from the same group spoke Ewe n Twi in one breath. #agapehouse, Zoe it is. Chinese sef :-)
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
Okay Ruwach gets it too. Someone just spoke Swahili. Charity begins at home though. Zoe did it for me. Glocal. #agapehouseAgape House has a number of teams. Not sure I will become a regular member, see above comment. But I did sign up for a team. The 5 teams wore their T-shirts (that's why they wore them Ato) and campaigned. Yea, one group said they are at Aseɛ hɔ, another said to find them on a ballot. I chose the team that had anyone say anything in a Ghanaian language. Local. Community. Us.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013
At #agapehouse today, I saw @MacJordaN @buzzedison @sirboateng @ElimAma etc. I felt right at home. I'll come again. #Teamwor & #multiply.Glad I went. I'd go again. I'm recommending this church too. They are not hype like I see in many other charismatic churches. Many people in the church are the right types of folks we need for our nation. The pastor preaches messages we need to hear, and not the ones he needs to build his business. Thank you, Agape. Divine love ampa.
— Ato Ulzen-Appiah (@Abocco) July 14, 2013