Google launches tech incubator called Umbono in South Africa

I love incubators and the many other programs out there geared towards launching small to medium scale enterprises. There are bunch in Africa, including the MEST incubator I've blogged about and the BusyLabs one I will blog about at some point. They are both in Accra. Saw info about Google launching a Tech incubator in South Africa called Umbono. Learn more about at this website.

Their website says ---

Have a great tech idea?

The Umbono program will help transform your vision into a business. Your idea – probably web or mobile deployed – is exciting on many levels: for your future users, potential investors, and for the people on your team building it.

  • Funding


    $25k to $50k seed capital, so that your team can focus on developing your idea.
  • Space


    Free collaborative work space and bandwidth in Cape Town.
  • Business 101

    Business 101

    A full curriculum to help with business strategy and planning. You decide which skills you'd like to hone.
  • Mentor Base

    Mentor Base

    Our deep bench of mentors includes Googlers, VCs, and Angels. Tap into business and product development expertise unlike any other.
  • Visibility


    Our networking and pitch events will provide you with a platform for growth.


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