National Volunteer Day 2018: Let's Volunteeringh for #NVDay18

In 2013, GhanaThink decided to institute National Volunteer Day - NVDay . This was to.encourage many people in Ghana to volunteer, make impact in our communities, help solve problems in ways we could, and help people. It wasn't just to help people, but help ourselves as volunteers : in building skills - especially soft skills, gaining experience, networks , etc. See more about the first couple of years on Wikipedia . We chose Founders' Day - September 21 . This was a day the Atta Mills led government instituted as a day to remember the founders of Ghana (men and women) who did great things for Ghana. By volunteering around September 21, we would also be doing something for Ghana. On December 5, 2013 on the occasion of International Volunteer Day, the Ghana Volunteer Program program was created by GhanaThink to run National Volunteer Day and match volunteers to volunteer opportunities . National Volunteer Day's home on th...