Sharing some thoughts & experiences on the #SunyaniKonnect #KonnectKouch
The Konnect Kouch is a version of hot seat in Konnect Groups for its members. These Konnect Groups are WhatsApp Groups run by or in conjuncation with the GhanaThink Foundation . We have had Konnect members to volunteer as a Kouchee to be on the Konnect Kouch , on Saturdays & Sundays starting from 2:33pm . This is basically a personality interview. We at GhanaThink moved this #KonnectKouch into some of the Konnect meetups (3 hour networking events mostly in the weekend evenings) and also to Barcamps (free networking forums on Saturdays). A couple of Saturdays ago, I was on the Konnect Kouch for Sunyani Konnect thanks to the proactiveness of Wilhemina Nunu. Exciting. Are you excited to read about what transpired? I love Sunyani a lot. I have spoken severally about how I want Sunyani to become the capital of Ghana, if we change it from Accra. More on this in another blog post. My favori...